政大International MBA 形象短片設計競賽
本競賽旨在徵選優良的政大International MBA形象短片,並透過行銷媒介傳播,提高政大International MBA品牌識別度及能見度。 The purpose of this competition is to produce short films promoting the brand image of NCCU IMBA.
Participant’s Qualification
參賽者須年滿20歲,不限國籍。Participations have to be older than 20 years old. There is no limitation on nationality.
Design Themes
短片需要能夠傳達政大IMBA的核心價值與特色。The short film should deliver the core value and features of NCCU IMBA.
  • 核心價值 Core value
    Global View with Asia Perspective
  • 特色 Features
    台灣最佳國際企管研究所 Taiwan’s best International MBA
    歐洲頂尖商學院雙聯學位 Dual Degrees at Top European Business Schools
    一半台生一半國際生 Half Taiwanese and half International students
    國際師資與業界師資 International and Industrial Professors
  • 相關圖檔 Related Pictures
設計大賞 Design Awards
第1名 獲得獎金新台幣三萬元 First Prize NT$30,000
第2名 獲得獎金新台幣兩萬元 Second Prize NT$20,000
第3名 獲得獎金新台幣一萬元 Third Prize NT$10,000
佳作 四名每件作品新台幣五千元 Merit Prize NT$5,000/each work
** 經評審委員討論後,各獎項得從缺,或不足額入選。
The judges could decide not to grant the award if the standard is not met.
設計大賞評分標準 Grading
整體設計 Overall Design
(1) 作品是否能有效地傳達政大IMBA的特色(40%)
(2) 作品的視覺效果(15%)
(3) 作品的創意性(15%)
The overall design’s score is based on the following items: the effectiveness of delivering the brand image of NCCU IMBA (40%), visual effect (15%), and creativity (15%)
網路人氣 Internet Popularity
網路人氣評斷標準為短片在NCCU IMBA Youtube頻道以及Facebook粉絲頁的點閱率。
Internet popularity is based on the click through rate (viewing rate) of the video on Youtube and Facebook.
投稿方式與步驟 Online Submission Procedure
Participants submit the file of the video via Google Form.
投稿作品尺寸 Size of Submitted Work
The length of short film is no more than three minutes.
Submitted works should not violate copyright law. Both copyright and ownership of submitted work belong to NCCU IMBA. NCCU IMBA has the right to publish it or exhibit it for a non-profit purpose without a further notice and extra payment.
投稿截止時間 Submission Deadline
17PM, 10/23
作品網路人氣期間 Internet Popularity Period
十月二十四日 - 十月三十一日
10/24 - 10/31
競賽結果公布 Result Announcement
競賽聯絡諮詢方式 Contact Person